Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

House Count Cells

Select the shape and color associated with each Residential Count, MDU Count, and Commercial Counts for the project. Click Custom Counts to setup customized counts other than the 3 standard HouseCounts. (See step 5 below.)

Assign a PBA Count Cell

  1. Enter an offset distance to be used between the pole and the count.
  2. Click Select from the Strand Setup dialog box.
  3. The Select Cell dialog box opens.

  4. Select the appropriate cell and click OK.
  5. If using custom House Counts, click the Custom Counts button at the lower left of the Strand Setup dialog:

A single letter Code (from A-Z excluding R, M, and C) must be assigned to the custom housecount, and this code must be unique in the database.

Give the Custom Housecount a unique name and select the cell to be displayed for that housecount. Click ‘Add’ to have this custom count added to the Strand resource file.